Currency news monetizes local storage on personal devices

What is is the first application in the world that allows users to monetize the local storage space of their personal devices, whether mobiles, tablets or computers. Our platform, powered by blockchain technology and decentralized infrastructure, offers a secure and efficient marketplace for data storage. Users can rent unused space on their devices […]

Currency news

Human thoughts are now for sale

Although political movements to control consumer neurotechnology are growing, at the moment the traffic of human thoughts that are captured with headbands, headphones and video games is out of control. The OECD presented a new toolkit on the regulation of consumer neurotechnology on April 23 in Paris, designed to make it easier for policymakers to […]

Currency news

interview with Chiara Cabini (Panasonic TOUGHBOOK)

We were able to chat with one of the main people responsible for the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK line of ultra-resistant equipment. Chiara Cabini is the Marketing Manager at Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Join the conversation Not everyone can live with a conventional laptop or tablet. An important part of consumers of electronic devices require equipment built to meet […]

Currency news

interview with Chiara Cabini (Panasonic TOUGHBOOK)

We were able to chat with one of the main people responsible for the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK line of ultra-resistant equipment. Chiara Cabini is the Marketing Manager at Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Join the conversation Not everyone can live with a conventional laptop or tablet. An important part of consumers of electronic devices require equipment built to meet […]

Currency news

Do all CPAP devices work the same?

Manel Lujandirector of the Pulmonology Service of the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadellshared at the last Congress of the Spanish Sleep Society (SES) a recent investigation that detailed that not all CPAP devices work the same for the treatment of sleep apnea. The reason for carrying out this analysis was the “increase in complaints from […]

Currency news

Do all CPAP devices work the same?

Manel Lujandirector of the Pulmonology Service of the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadellshared at the last Congress of the Spanish Sleep Society (SES) a recent investigation that detailed that not all CPAP devices work the same for the treatment of sleep apnea. The reason for carrying out this analysis was the “increase in complaints from […]

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We tested four anti-snoring devices and chose the most effective | Comparisons | Showcase

Our expert has chosen the Beuer anti-snoring system as the best in the comparison because it is an innovative and efficient electrostimulation proposal to minimize snoring. The most common causes associated with snoring are diverse: overweight, presence of nasal problems, the anatomy of the airways, the position that the person adopts when sleeping, alcohol consumption… […]